Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Studio Task 10 - Advertising Considerations

Endless mysteries surrounds Egypt along with its puzzling unexplainable theories of the great pyramids, built around the alignment of pyramids and stars, with its structural nature and lines.

For the practical printed advertisement of my website, I think I want to go down the theme of promoting sacred geometry and encouraging people to take an interest in ancient design. I think this ties in nicely with my website as the purpose of it was to encourage people to take a greater interest in sacred geometry, ancient Egypt/orion mystery and more. I can take aspects of my website, such as all the symbols and diagrams I have designed. However for my advertisements I want to introduce colours as my website is black and white. As my topic is rich in history and ancient, I want this to be reflected in my print and advertising (perhaps using screen print and metallic inks)

I am already thinking about what three print deliverables could be:
Poster - Promoting the event and website 
FlyersPromoting the event and website 
Ticket - I had an idea people would arrive at the event with an e-ticket and leave with a well printed ticket that they could keep
Publication - Creating a small publication on the Sacred Geometry of Giza Necropolis 
Stamps - Creating laser cut stamps of hieroglyphics 

Before I begin to research or designing I want to identify and define the criteria which will shape my outcome:


The audience will be similar to the website no age range, it will be aimed at people who want to learn about sacred geometry and the orion constellation.


I want to promote a week long event on the sacred geometry of giza necropolis (Giza Necropolis is the sacred space where the pyramids are) at leeds museum which will be relevant in promoting my website for more information or tickets to the event. At the event adults and children can unlock/discover the mysteries of Egypt and learn about sacred geometry. However, at the core it needs to promote the website. 

Tone of Voice
It will have to be formal yet interesting and educational

Design Boards

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